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Keep Watching this Space

This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.

Blog for open Source lovers

We live in a World of Technology and that tecnoglogy is for All to explore and understand. Period. !!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How to add Prefix to Every Field with Notepad ++

If your System doesn't support heavy applications or editors which are required for data editing or development purposes then the next best thing after notepad is notepad ++. It contains pretty cool features and one of them is adding/appending similar data to front of string in every row.  This is best show via example.

So let's say you have a file with numbers and you want to separate numbers with inverted commas like ' ' or let's say by ' , ' , then we can do it in following way.

Select the numbers and then Select "Replace" or Ctrl + H.

Now make sure that the radio button with option "Regular Expression" is selected.

Now put ' ^ ' in the text box with "Find what" option.

And put character name you want to replace it with in "Replace with" text box option, which is " ' " in our case.

Now Click on "Replace All" options and Bingo !! You are done. " ' " character is added in front of every string.  You can use this method to replace it with any string.

Also in similar fashion, if you want to append any character or string in the end of every row, you can also do that in similar way. Instead of  ' ^ ' in the "Find what" option put ' $ ' and click "Replace All" and you will get the results as below. 

Cheers !! 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Beginning Android Development - Must Not Undeclare Prefix

Usually when we start with some development activities, especially for new developers, there are many common errors which we face. They are usually not big issues but they become roadblock for new developers and hence de-motivates them to start development. 

However, if we see the brighter side, they help us in learning system better and troubleshooting them helps us in understanding tool quickly.

One of the most common error users face while starting with Android Application Development with Android Studio is: 

Error:(2) Error parsing XML: must not undeclare prefix

If you see on other websites and blogs, it has been suggested to add below line or make sure you have below lines:

xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"

However, there are chances that above lines are already there and if you look at the exception or error message closely, you will see that it talks about some prefix which is not declared, so try to look for undeclared prefix and remove it. For eg. it could be like:

Try removing it and any other similar undeclared prefix and then compile it. You should be able to move ahead and the program should compile.

Cheers !!

Please leave your comments if more solutions are found and if this has been helpful.